Issue N°02
Free Time is an international biannual edition that strives to shine a spotlight on people who express themselves during their free time. An advocate for creativity, Free Time is an ode to self-expression, free creation, and intuition — time seen as a constant source of inspiration.
Free Time N°02 is dedicated to Day & Night.
Free Time N°02 includes contributions by Gaspard Augé, Giasco Bertoli, Angele Châtenet, Péixe Collardot, Simons Finnerty, Stephen Gill, Ikki Kobayashi, Jan Melka, Stephanie Mendoza & Hiroshi Higa, Patrick Miller, The MoMA & Ryan McNamara, Yelena Moskovich, Andrew Nuding, Proxi, Peter Puklus, Francesc Ruiz Abad, Félix Schoeller, Melchior Tersen, Abraham Toledano, Wiktoria Wojciechowaki, Sam Youkilis.
Dimensions: 240x270mm.
This pack includes two editions.